The president of the ARSN chairs the first meeting of the National CBRNe Committee

This Wednesday morning, November 24, 2021, I had the great honor of chairing the first meeting of the National CBRNe Committee.
A meeting that witnessed the presence of a panel of senior executives representing the various departments involved in the CBRNe issue in our country. This committee was set up by order of the Prime Minister. Its first objective is to create national expertise in the CBRNe field equipped with high-level technical skills capable of implementing elaborate protocols for detection of radioelements and the detection and analysis of biological and chemical substances, taking into account the entire spectrum of the CBRN threat.
During our discussions, we took stock of this problem and discussed the prospects for CBRN in Mauritania, in particular the development of the national CBRN action plan, for which a first preparatory meeting will be held on 21 December in Nouakchott.
During this meeting, the Committee also appointed a Vice-Chairman and his secretary.