
ARSN is an active member of many international and regional networks. ARSN chairs the Forum of Authorities in charge of Nuclear Safety and Security of the G5Sahel countries and Senegal (FASSNG5Sahel/Senegal), which it has chaired since its creation in 2018 in Nouakchott, and hosts its Permanent Secretariat.

It is a member of:

The Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA):

Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN):

The Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR):

The Forum of Radiation Protection, Safety and Nuclear Security Authorities of the G5Sahel.



The idea of the G5Sahel Forum of Radiation, Safety and Nuclear Security Authorities is an initiative of Mauritania which is part of this regional cooperation dynamic in the field of security.


This initiative, which has already received the support of the IAEA and for which certain partners working in the field of nuclear security have also expressed their support informally, aims to unite the efforts and resources of our countries in order to control the cross-border movement of sources and nuclear materials so that they remain within the framework of regulations and are not used for malicious purposes.

This forum aims to respond to this need, expressed by the various regulatory authorities of the G5 Sahel countries, to develop regional cooperation with a view in particular to contributing more effectively to strengthening the control of cross-border movements and the training of personnel, in particular first responders.

The objectives that will be assigned to the Forum are as follows:

  • Strengthen nuclear security between countries;
  • Promote cooperation in the control of cross-border movements of radioactive sources and nuclear materials between countries;
  • Sharing and exchanging information, expertise and experience;
  • Harmonize national regulations;
  • Welcome and supervise trainees from different countries, either for training purposes or in the context of carrying out joint projects;
  • Organize and involve nationals of different countries in meetings (workshops, seminars, etc.) on topics of common interest;
  • Provide training in all areas of nuclear security, through courses, conferences, scientific and technical visits or consultations and exchanges of best practices.

Since its second meeting held in Ouagadougou on 17 and 18 April 2019, the occurrence of the COVID19 pandemic has impacted all global activity. Within the framework of the partnership, member countries have been able to benefit from training sessions organised in collaboration with the US Department of Energy. The first was organised in Kampala, Uganda, from 14 to 19 October 2019 on Inspection and the second in Dakar from 9 to 12 December 2019 on best practices in Safeguards. With the IAEA, the Memorandum of Understanding was finalised and signed in February 2021.