The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

The CWC is the treaty that prohibits the development, production, acquisition, retention, transfer and use of chemical weapons. More than 190 states have ratified or acceded to the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Elimination of chemical weapons

The disarmament provisions contained in the CWC provide for the destruction of all chemical weapons in a state party that possesses them. These provisions also assume the destruction of all facilities used since 1946 to produce chemical weapons and of all chemical weapons previously abandoned on the territory of another State Party.


Compliance with obligations

The CWC verification system imposes on each State Party the following obligations:

  • Provide statements that can be verified by the OPCW through data monitoring and routine on-site inspections;
  • Report annual data on its chemical industry to the OPCW and accept international compliance verification;
  • Establish a national authority that will serve as the national point of contact for liaison with the OPCW and with other States Parties.
  • Strict control over toxic chemicals which have been recognized as subject to verification measures by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) which are listed in Tables 1,2 and 3 in the Annex of the CAC on chemicals.

Mauritania ratified this convention on February 9, 1998 and pursuant to article 7 of the said convention designated the National Authority for Radiation Protection, Safety and Nuclear Security (ARSN) as the National Liaison Center with the organization for the 'Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

As such, Mauritania's responsibility was :

  • To cooperate closely with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and the national authorities of States Parties with a view to implementing the obligations of the Convention;
  • To ensure the strict application of the Convention by any natural or legal person under the jurisdiction or control of the Mauritanian State;
  • To develop strategies and actions to be undertaken for the implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in Mauritania;
  • To Initiate legislative, regulatory and administrative measures for the effective application of the Convention;
  • To coordinate the actions of the various ministerial departments in line with the implementation of the Convention;
  • To organize awareness sessions with economic operators and researchers on the chemicals banned by the Convention
  • To seek the assistance of the OPCW or any other institutions for the application of the Convention;
  • To carry out inspections of chemical sites;
  • To strengthen control and inspection at border posts and chemical industry companies, laboratories and establishments for the export and import of chemicals with adequate equipment for the detection of chemical agents.
  • To establish licenses for the use, storage, manufacture and employment of the chemicals in Table 1, 2 and 3.
  • To develop and institute appropriate and effective measures to enable them to account for chemicals and ensure their safety during their manufacture, use, storage or transport.


  • Training of actors in the circuit of trade in toxic chemicals;
  • Enhancing awareness of customs officers in their responsibilities;
  • Equipping border customs officers to detect and analyse these products;
  • Opening of communication channels between customs and specialised analytical laboratories.